
pop rocks!

so i'm just gonna put it out there; believe me, don't. don't really care.

POP MUSIC is the best its been the toxic-era of britney, justin, and that whole train of popstars. with the like of ke$sha, lady gaga, florence + the machine, jj, charlotte gainsborough, lil wayne. and to a lesser extent corrine bailey rae, shakira, bishop allen, discovery, la roux, & little boots.

there thats plently of danceable indie pop to keep you disco-ing through this dark winter.


being a hipster doesn’t necessarily meaning doing what’s really cool & really current, but rather having a certain style, look & feel about you. for instance- right now during these 2010 winter games i am wearing shawn white audio skate shoes. right now, today, cooler than any pair of nike SBs on the planet, right?but i’m not afraid to change out of these tight grey banana republic chinos and white skateshoes for mesh lacrosse shorts and cole-haan driving shoes. not cool. at all. but it sounds alright to me, and it matches well with my personality, especially sitting around the kitchen peninsula drinking red (not blue) cool-aid & listening to laRoux. as a matter of fact, i’ll be right back...

the YETi

peep this noise.
the YETi: Young Ecumenical Tekkie
& unlike apple products that start with "i," this idea ends with you. it's up to you to unleash the beast within. the yeti is a mythical snow monster, and, let's be honest, they don't really exists. but this new guerilla warrior can be spotted on any corner of the Roscoe Village in Chicago or Williamsburg, Brooklyn.